Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lost a Best Friend!

Today I lost one of my best friends in the whole universe! My goat, Lucy, passed away in the night after suffering with illness for the past week. The vet was going to come out to see her this morning, but it was too late. I know she was an animal. But she was truly so sweet to me. She loved me unconditionally and was admired by all who knew her. She had gone through a dog attack and never recovered, leaving her with a crippled leg, but a strong will. She wanted to stay with us as long as possible, and I believe she enjoyed her 6 years on our farm.

Lucy, I love you forever! Thank you!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I really love the laundry soap!! It smells so good and works so well! News this month includes I am hiring a secretary to help me with my paperwork ... my sister did well in her medical test ... another sister had a birthday yesterday Happy Birthday ! ... my sweet Coley is sick with a sore throat today and I'll keep him tomorrow ... my son's birthday is coming up ... my nephew's birthday is today Happy Birthday ! ... my other nephew's birthday is in two days Happy Birthday ! ... my grandson Carson's birthday is in two weeks Happy Birthday ! ...


Love Life and Keep on Going!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Homemade Soap

I made some homemade laundry detergent tonight. It was so simple. I made the powder type, so I will test it tomorrow and see how it does.
1 bar of Fels Naptha laundry soap (grated)
1/2 cup Borax
1/2 cup laundry soda
mix together very well (I used a coffee grinder).
Use 2 T per load.

Also, Rosie had her spaying surgery a couple of weeks ago (my Maltese) and she is FINALLY gaining weight. Yeah!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Makayla's drawing.

I worked on her drawing some more.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


This is a pastel drawing of Makayla that I did today. Like it? She is holding up her "silly band"!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Mom, Sisters and me. My daughter, Kristi, (the professional photographer) took this! We are at Mandy's house.


We've had so much rain lately, it's been good for my garden but bad for my goat's hooves. We had fun on the 4th of July, fishing, visiting, eating good food. We have been working very hard out back clearing around our pond. It is so hot that every time we go outside, we have to take a shower.

I found a beautiful collection of clothes hanging on lines -- over 700 photos -- on flicker. I am not alone.